Video Vortex is over and i did not have time to add information on this blog.

Fortunately other people made a systematic documentation of the event, so i drop here this link from the ‘master of media’ for those interested, though i did not read it yet. 

I guess i will post my opinion and a cloud of links,  then go back to something else…

The conference structured a research based on Web 2.0 and its remedies, or alternatives.

The academic perspective was present, methods and assumptions. Poetic struggle and technical wish was not always as high.

It is interesting to reflect on tagging, and the structure of a sentence reproduced and translated into this new system of description. At the same time i would  go for imagination: what’s next?

Where do we go from here?
Can we imagine different systems and possibilities in this outer space that is the Net?

Video online is not only the new form of television, it is also a non-television, as well as a totally different medium. Interaction, layers of communication, the intersection of humans and bots, live and archive, scripts, batch and manual digital workers, code, text, ideas and procedural formulas render this space a totally different reality, not just a projection.

Internet is a wide conglomerate of data. I dont agree with those who tend to imagine it as a browser based platform; a variety of systems to access this data and display it are there, and they are proliferating.  

Analysing current state is important, inventing future development is even more important; since normally philosophers are working with ideas and pushing books, while people who make money and war are structuring reality and technological development, i dream of an inversion. 

And inversions are actually possible processes of transformation,  inversions are happening right now. Whereas media art is featuring the artist as a scientist, i guess it is time to think about philosophers writing code, as this might be a back-door to politics and ethics.


Here is the cloud i mentioned:,

and i am happy to conclude with this great video starring Hillary Clinton and her ‘Favorite Word