Sylvère Lotringer will be the gues for Intervention #5: Born 1938 in
Paris; editor of Semiotext(e), he is professor of French Philosophy at
Columbia University in New York and Jean Baudrillard Professor at EGS
in Switzerland. He is credited for introducing "French Theory" in
America. He has published catalogue essays for the Guggenheim, the
Moma, the New Museum, the Musee du Jeu de Paume, Modern Kunst in
Vienna, etc. and edited dozens of magazines and books.
He has published *French Theory in America*, New York: Routledge, 2001;
*Hatred of Capitalism*, 2002; *David Wojnarowicz*, 2006; co-published
with Paul Virilio *Crepuscular Dawn*, 2002; *The Accident of Art*,
2005, *Pure War*, 2008, New York: Semiotext(e), 2007; with Jean
Baudrillard, *Oublier Artaud*, Paris: Sens & Tonka, 2005 and *The
Conspiracy of Art* . His most recent book is *Overexposed*, New York:
Semiotext(e), 2007. He is presently completing a book on Cioran.