First of all it is very important to admit that the claim ’personal
notes’ implies the delineation of a person, or an identity. As a
physical entity, writing this Journal which is a research diary, I
might want to introduce myself in the first log. A way to describe ‘me’
is setting up positive adjectives, another system is listing a series
of negation. I will identify myself following the second method. Since
I am not only
virtual, I differ from the entities I am describing in the course of
this research, because infact, although I can proliferate, there is no
copy to be identical to the original. There is, infact, no original,
neither an authentic version of the Self, my Self. Any minute I change
again, and there is no hope to arrest this metamorphosis. What helps me
recognizing who am I, along the process, are the characteristic marks
that in Semiotics are said, in layman words, rendering the sense of
things. This way, I apparently find myself in fragments, and throughout
these pieces, I recognize the properties which are constant within my
personal deforming id-entity. Piece after piece, I search my person in
this negation. A piece is standing for another piece off course, it is
presuming there is another piece to be matching. So I build an idea of
myself as a succession of absence, negation, fragmentation.

Entities are, on the other side (I am referring here to the vast field
of mirror art, mirror science, and the genealogy of life, just that),
ready to be fragmented, to lose their identity, to create new entities,
to be something else. But they don’t exist only in fragments, like us,
wretched (?) humans. And they are not unique. Also, they can be the
same over time.

All this is just to admit that, although i have multiple identities, we, me, are… I am not a digital file. At least, that’s what i was told.

this is a story of a human, another Alice, an Alice watching the
digital world, encountering a different substance. And there will be a
lot of talking about substances here, and we all know from school that
substance has something to do with ontology, and ontology is a
philosophical word that many people would be afraid of using because of
the embarrassing possibility of making a non-sense, a mistake. Ontology
is about the essence of things, rather than about their manifestation.
It is somehow related to language, because language is everywhere, and
because we experience and understand essence through language.

The Sun and the Moon…

(me.. oh me!) am currently splitting my self, my time, and my own brain
between two far away projects. I tend to think about them as two
separated domains, two Outer worlds, and I tactically separated the
framework of each in two different countries. If one is about humans
making decisions, and relations within the Self(ish) inhabitants of
post-industrial decadent urban conglomerates, the other is not focusing
on humans at all, and is considering language as an interface to let
them (these humans) be a bit more machine understandable. If one is
about society, and this society is describing itself in Alien colors,
the other project is about a post social-communism of immaterial
creations, but without any mean to control from above either the
creations or the creators, nor to transform any of them into commodity.
Although one project is about alienation, the alien is the symbol of
the other, where alienity, alientity, alien entities are finally acting
as the creatures they are.

But this is not the only cross over.
During very deep, almost ecstatic sessions of concentration and study,
I can foresee there is a common point between the Sun and the Moon, I
see there can be commutation between the two projects I am giving my
life for. I am not there yet, this is intuition, there is not a clear
explanation of such logic at this moment in time.

I can think of
Oracles talking to Entities, maybe, but this is rather puerile. There
is more behind this readers digest, and i can already see the point of
non-return, the point for me, oscillating on the abyss of pure theory,
completely excited. I will jump, yes, I jumped!

In short, the sun and the moon can commute (did you know that?).

((And, off course, i am not referring to the well known argument you cannot fart without changing the balance of the Universe.))

-written in Amsterdam-