Il saggio di Balbus

Lewis Carroll, matematico e scrittore del XIX sec, scriveva, intorno al 1880:

"Quando un solido viene immerso in un liquido, e’ ben noto che esso sposta una parte del liquido eguale al suo stesso volume, e che il livello del liquido sale quanto salirebbe se gli fosse stata aggiunta una quantita’ dello stesso liquido eguale, in volume, al solido … Se si tiene in mano un bastone lungo sei piedi, con l’estremita’ in un bicchier d’acqua, e si ha la pazienza di aspettare abbastanza, si puo’ finire con l’esserne sommersi. Il problema della fonte dalla quale dovrebbe provenire tutta questa acqua – che appartiene ad un ramo dell’alta matematica, e non rientra quindi nell’ordine delle presenti considerazioni – non si applica al mare. Osserviamo quindi la ben nota immagine di un uomo che se ne stia in riva al mare, con la bassa marea, ed un solido in mano, che egli immerge parzialmente: per quanto egli resti la’, fermo ed immobile, tutto quello che sappiamo e’ che dovra’ necessariamente affogare."

tratto da "Una storia ingarbugliata" (A tangled tale) 

July 2004 – Bosnia Herzegovina

Le streghe di un tempo non ci sono piu’. Le hanno finite mettendo un cartello nei dintorni di Napoli: "Pronunciare Strega", mi pare. Io torno in Italia, sono nei dintorni di qualche posto che potrebbe essere Milano o Bologna e incontro M., e B. e la sua amica, che dipingono in giro loro stesse vestite da fata. Io un po’ le ricordo ma nella realta’ non so. All’inizio siamo in una specie di scuola tutta spaccata, le ragazze raccontano che fanno il liceo classico ma le maestre di lettere non fanno nulla con passione. La scuola e’ un po’ diroccata o tempestata dalle bombe, non si sa. Iniziamo a camminare, siamo quattro o cinque, e usciamo.

C’e’ una specie di festa all’aperto e tanta terra e’ stata girata e rigirata. La gente sembra turbata, ma non tanto piu’ del solito. Parliamo e ci sediamo su un gradino. Siamo (tipo) nel cortile interno dietro casa di mamma e papa’. M. racconta, io gli dico che capisco bene che uno a lungo andare si rompe le palle di montare e gli suggerisco di darsi alla programmazione.
La gente era tutta dimessa, quasi un po’ come si comporterebbe (credo) se ci fosse la guerra. Vado in bagno e devo salire a lungo e scalare e passare attraverso ripidi e stretti viotti in terra per raggiungere degli specie di bacini. Tutto un po’ assurdo ma la gente si comporta come fosse normale. M. mi mostra il suo computer, pare un Game-Boy ma piu’ grosso, dice "si non e’ molto potente ma la scheda madre e’ equilibrata". Mi mostra un fumetto. Parte dalla seconda puntata. Lo guardo e inizio a leggere. Poi chiedo: "Ma la prima puntata?" Ripasso i fumetti, ce li passiamo tra noi per vedere se la prima puntata c’e’. Scompare anche la seconda. Varie cose continuano a scomparire e ne appaiono altre.

Torno a casa. Ubino davanti al cancello sembra quanto mai stupito e rincoglionito. Ci sono i miei. Io e Ubi ci abbracciamo.

This is the transcription of an hand written dream i had during a trip to Bosnia Herzegovina on July 2004. The text has not been edited.

If you want to know more, read my diary from those days! 



About dreams and other dimensions.
Every story here reported has really been dreamt and written between waking and sleeping.

Sogni Opachi

U’altra notte di sogni opachi, tempo rallentato di un terzo, attese, abbandoni.

Se nn avessi mai sofferto di insonnia, mia compagna di infanzia, sarei una persona molto diversa. A volte provo ad immaginarmi, serena ed equilibrata, quell’altra io che non e’ mai nata, o e’ sbocciata senza fiorire.

Penso a tutti i libri che ho letto, alle mie esperienze oniriche, alla paura della noia durante la veglia… Penso al terrore silenzioso, ai luoghi immateriali in cui torno e continuo a tornare da anni, alla memoria che ho in dimensioni altre. Ricordo la donna in viola, le citta’ collage dal cielo blu elettrico, le montagne marroni e la ferrovia in mezzo al mare.

Ora vivo in cima ad un palazzo piuttosto antico, pieno di simboli e triangoli. Dalle finestre vedo i tetti che nessuno vede, strane cupole e torri, luoghi di culto non ufficiali, un’Amsterdam segreta e sommersa. 

Gli uccelli della citta’ si lavano, al mattino, di fronte al mio davanzale. Forse questo mi aiutera’ ad imparare a volare.

return 0;

A volte la sensazione di aver perso una parentesi prende il sopravvento.

Che sia noia, o paranoia, poco cambia. Entro un loop, tutto continua a girare. Si puo’ sopravvivere girando. Si puo’ sopravvivere con il solo movimento, non e’ necessario l’accumulo. Anche la testa gira. Prosegue all’infinito:

for (;;)

Mi sorprendo spesso a pensare che le ‘cose’, alcune cose – fatti – persone – situazioni, possano durare all’infinito. Mi guardo intorno, e riconosco e discerno l’instabilita’ insita nelle costellazioni e ambienti che mi circondano. Cerco qualcosa di consistente. Decido di studiare il linguaggio C, perche’ ha una storia di circa 30 anni, come me. Saremo consistenti assieme? Chissa’. Qualcuno lo paragona al greco, questione di classicismo, antichita’. Io sussumo righe di codice convinta di poterle applicare alla realta’. E’ ovvio, deve per forza funzionare. Nel greco antico la costruzione logica della frase si basa spesso sul ‘men’ … ‘de’, ovvero ‘da una parte’….’dall’altra’, il che non e’ proprio un se/allora, quanto piuttosto un discorso di possibilita’ concomitanti, diverse sfaccettature, prospettive e angolazioni. Contemporaneita’. La programmazione e’ processuale, tenta di prevedere ogni possibilita’, ma l’esecuzione comporta una scelta esclusiva. Ogni programma ha un inizio, un risultato, ed una fine. La continuita’ e’ un ciclo, dal quale e’ possibile uscire, con un semplice, ma chiaro:


Per imparare e’ necessario mettersi in gioco, concedere a se’ stessi la possibilita’ di cambiare, compiere un viaggio esplorativo in un contesto anche statico.

Ogni nuova disciplina, o nozione, contiene all’interno un piccolo Graal, ambito e nascosto. Il Graal e’ quella porzione di conoscenza dal pattern universale, traducibile in infiniti contesti.

Si torna all’infinito. 

Il Chequepoint e’ finalmente, nuovamente, online. Tralascio le peripezie, gli incantesimi ed i sotterfugi. Gioisco. Mi inchino di fronte all’hacker dei telefoni che quest’oggi e’ venuto a trovarmi in tenuta da sommossa. Ripenso con volutta’ al quadro di comando, alle 45 possibilita’, ai due cavi del telefono che il principe della telefonia muoveva sotto i miei occhi colmi di ammirazione. Ho un debole per gli hackers, mi eccitano. Non posso farci nulla, e’ cosi’, e li riconosco ad occhi chiusi.

"Non dire nulla…

…my heart is almost exploding!"

"Chiamami quando vuoi…" 

Ci puoi contare caro, certe cose io non le dimentico. Imparo, condivido, e ripongo il mio maestro nel cuore, per sempre. Sempre??

Ahi, ahi… "Xname, be quite!"

Una illuminazione mi e’ giunta da un uomo-voce-umana, a fatica raggiunto dopo ore di pseudo colloquio con una voce registrata, dalla compagnia internet-provider-dell-olanda (eravamo-fichi-ma-abbiamo-fatto-i-soldi-ora-tu-paghi-e-suchi // chi capisce a chi mi riferisco vince un premio). Dico: "Ah grazie, quante belle cose mi date, ma quanto durano? Dico, ok, se l’abbonamento finisce, posso continuare ad utilizzare, chesso’, le mail, oppure…"

L’uomo diventa quasi robotico, come i suoi colleghi fatti di pitch.

"Tutto dura finche’ uno paga."

Mi scuso, umiliata dalla mia ingenuita’. La butto sul personale "Tendo a credere ci siano… mmm, tendo a credere esista l’eterno, almeno nel servizio mail…" Per non parlare di altre cosette altrettanto, o piu’, delicate… Cerco di fargli capire al volo che ho avuto qualche trauma da bambina, dunque ho in testa idee bizzarre, che girano spesso in loop.

Incasso, e porto a casa. Faccio un respiro profondo, mi sento, improvvisamente, osservata.  Sono, tra ‘parentesi’, al lavoro, in un laboratorio di arte e informatica (?!).

La lezione e’ semplice, e la ripasso pedalando verso casa: l’infinito esiste, c’e’, ma costa, costa molto, e lo paghi caro tutta la vita.

Spam to Death

This little blog has been under heavy spam attack during the last few days. Yesterday, after deleting 273 messages of spam, i closed comments on the post SenoritaTristeza.
That was produced in less than 40 hours.

Spam is something really dirty and disgusting, like fleas.

What is puzzling me is "what is all of this advertisement doing?" Are they really selling Viagra? And who is using it? Is it a big business? Or just annoyance?

I wonder how many men are using it. I wonder why these spiders decided my blog was a great place for selling it. It is ironic. I am totally unexperienced so i can only presume there are customers.

Lately i noticed spam is growing. A new generation of non-sense spam is also invading email boxes and capturing general information. They often give me the impression of a delirious post trip talk, when everything makes sense while if you think of it the meaning disappears like a shadow. Dreams, visions and reality are just the same. And you keep seeking the point where everything will be revealed. As you move, the imaginary worlds are sliding, and you render the first thing to understand is there is nothing to understand.

The net, overwhelmed by drugs and informations, starts spiting out a last non-sense complain.


I was invited few days ago to produce a little video interview of myself describing my next tecnological project in a very technical accurate way.

However, i did something completely different from what i was asked.

Would you like to see it?

Here some infos about the online event i am invited to:


Wednesday 7 February at 7 pm sharp
3 participation modes:
live at 13m3 studena bratislava (welcome there)
(tranzit studios studena 12 bratislava next to tesco)
chat from your desktop at home
point to #B22F
watch the stream from your coach
connect at rtsp://

… is the total failure of our culture against the background of an overwhelming ‘globalisation without vision’ to be read from the way we are expressing ourselves creatively? after the dismantling of art by philosophy (and art itself too, but that is fine…) what do we mean when we think of beauty? and how do we really make it? what do we want to achieve by it? is there still a manual of new stylistics with the purpose to reach the other (needed/possible)? how do we want to tell something? what do we hear and see, what do you want to say exactly? are we different from our disappearing parents watching the same daily feed of self imitating programs on tv? is there still a poetics here?
the program is hosted supported organized by society of algorithm and,,, and documented on while you can contact b22f {-at-} for more information etc…

C Programming

SplusD Lab  |  Practical C Programming Workshop

3 months
25 lessons
from 5th February
monday – thursday 
21 – 23

reference text:
Kernighan Ritchie “The C Programming Language”


Bit and Bytes

A binary digit is called a bit. Usually expressed as 0 and 1 the two numbers of the binary numbering system.
A bit is the smallest unit of information a computer can use. A 16 bit computer would process a series of 16 bits,such as
0100111101011000 in one go, repeating the process thousands or millions of times per second.
Reading a series of bits is very difficult and to make this process easier they are often displayed in groups of 4 bits
0100 1111 0101 1000

This grouping is quite interesting in that a group of 4 bits can be replaced by a single hexadecimal digit
Two groups of 4 bits, i.e. 8 bits ( a byte) can be replaced by 2 hexadecimal digits,
and 4 hexadecimal digits are required to replace all 16 bits.
A group of 8 bits are in a byte. With 8 bits ( binary digits ), there exists 256 possible denary combinations.

If you remember that 1 byte can store one alphabetical letter, single digit, or a single character/symbol, such as #. Large numbers of bytes can be expressed by kilobyte and megabyte.

The value of a kilobyte is 1024. Worked out as 2^10. Normally Kilo refers to 1000 but in computing kilobyte is 1024.

Likewise, 1024Kb is referred to as a "Megabyte". Normally a Mega refers to a million. In computing 1 Mega byte is 1,048,576 bytes. Worked out as 2^20, or 1024*1024.


My Cybersex Experience

Some days ago, i visited a friend out of Amsterdam to work together on a project. The idea was to spend few days there asking him to accomplish the following mission: saving myself from myself. I thought it was a hard job. When i got there, i was fevering.

It is night. Someone invites us for a jazz concert. I can rattle on the chair, but no more. I tell him to go, i am fine, bla bla, i am happy to wait. He goes.

As soon as he is out, i see some of my cardinals monsters walking around the house, talking to me from the ceiling. I am still on the same chair, by now almost attached to it. I imagine he will find me exactly there, when back.

At a certain point i get distracted. My computer is looking at me. Don’t take me wrong, don’t think i am maniac, but i suddenly felt a bit excited, and the monsters started slowly to zoom out.

I jump on the machine, enter in Second Life…
Mi faccio un giro.

I am running around naked with socks and hat and gloves, how i like it. In Second Life you can fly and  teleport. I decide to fly.

I get to a place quite chic and yuppie, someone tells me avatars without clothes are not welcome there. I tell him a am a newbie, and i like to be naked, but also that i am quite excited, so i was wondering whether and how it is  possible to get some sex there, and how it works. He answers me i am in the wrong place, but there are hot zones in Second Life. I get dressed and look for a quite place to make a picture of myself. You normally see your avatar’s back, and the others are seeing your front.

It is a strange world i am in.

I play with its limits…

I finally get to a crowded place, a group of horny people is gathering. I try to talk to them. They do not seem disturbed. Everybody else i met, i proposed some cybersex, but no one accepted. Most of the people thought i was a man. Ahah, i can see that from the dirty things you say. Sob! I wish you could see me dude. Everybody is making business here. I wanted to have sex. Is this that strange? Some other people ask me if i wanted to have money for that. Noo, i just want to have fun with you. Is that so rare? I want you to enjoy me. Noway. People do not trust things for free.

Finally i am surrounded by a hot bounce of people. I start talking to them, and i manage to intrigue an avatar, the macho wearing a white shirt you can see on the picture below. We talk a bit, about various topics (it looks like we both need a certain emotional ingredient to get horny). He is interested in some sexual behavior, but, like me, he does not know how to do that. One thing is clear to him: if we have to do something, that has to happen in a more intimate environment. We walk away.  

I start immediately provoking him with any kind of crazy fantasy that comes to my mind, following the right pattern. He gets into the game and makes his part. The funny thing is that: it is a textual, imaginative sexual experience. The avatars, when we talk, which is a chat talk, are there standing and digitizing, while, when you are in the game, balloons with your words are appearing over your head. These balloons are not there when you make a still from inside the game. Every avatar around can see the words. I say that to specify we are actually at the climax of a fuck in the quite picture you can see here.

We enjoy this mental trip while various people around start looking and us. At a certain point a spanish boy comes around. I tell him not to disturb, we are having sex, but if he wants to help out…

At this point my partner, i do not say his name for privacy reasons, stops everything. I cannot do that, he says. If it was with two women, that would be another story, but with a man, i am sorry, i cannot.
Come on, let it go, we are in virtual life…

Nothing to do, his dogma is very strong. We continue alone. When we are both satisfied, i am about to teleport away, but i spend some time in a friendly conversation post-coitus with him. And here i understand it was not a game, it was not a second life. The man i just had lives in Belgium, speaks dutch, and, especially, he is a software programmer. 

I run away. Always the same stories. With all the people that are in this second world, look at what is happening to me! While teleporting, someone gifts me a dollar! Oh my God… This is the first time i earn some money with sex! Bizarre… i wonder whether i should call my mum… Mm, no, i will not tell her i got payed by someone for a sexual text performance, not now.

After a few minutes, he contacts me again, teleporting me to a very sexual area.  He found some plugins, to have sex in a more visual way. The game infact is evocative, the ambient is not realistic. That was what i like, the brain power instead of the projection.

I am not anymore in the mood, actually i am now concern about my karma and the coincidence of attracting the same type of person i do in real life.

I was actually willing to have anyone, so it must be their problem, if they get magnetized by me. But i am not sure.

Finally my friend comes back, while i am starting a new session of sex with my developer, just because it is a new story and i do not feel like saying NO. I try out a couple of sentences in dutch, to be funny. Here in these pictures you can see some plugins in action.

My attention is stolen by this material person entering the door, my computer, exhausted crashes, and i leave there my new lover fucking alone the ghost of my avatar.

The day after, in the morning, i find two messages from him in my mailbox. Here is an abstract from the second:

Hi Elanor, I guess this is a check to find out if I am real, guess what, I 
 am ;o) Hey I loved our conversation the other day, pity though that you left while we were in  full action, hope to see you again soon

and, the day after, the third:
Hi Elanor, I am just checking what this does, and if it possibly would work,
 so how are you?