How does code dream? What are the dreams of code?

Piksel08 examines the other side of code, an alternative side to a hard-coded eality of work and play. Open hardware and free software project a utopic vision, yet exist within economies of capital, the dream factory of mainstream technology. Within the chance meeting of sewing machine and umbrella on the dissecting table, hardware and software are flattened.

Code Dreams explores the dreams of this soft machine; bachelors coding for pleasure, reverse engineering paranoiac constructs of the real, automatic coding practice, soft hardware, and everyday magic.


**Piksel08: code dreams
   december 4-7 2008
   Bergen, Norway


**open call:

1. Installations

Projects related to the code dreams theme including but not restricted to:reverse engineering, soft hardware, code poetry, novel instruction sets, invisible exploration, ghosted computation…

programmed by and running on free and open source software and/or open/DIY hardware.

2. Audiovisual performance

Live art realised by the use of free and open source software. We specially encourage live coding and DIY hardware projects to apply.        

3. Software/Hardware

Innovative DIY hardware and audiovisual software tools or software art released under an open licence.

<<<<<<  Deadline – august 15. 2008 >>>>>>

Please use the online submit form at:

or send documentation material – preferably as a URL to online documentation with images/video to



**real code[de][re] actively explores code which has strong effects on the real, constructing the world through prediction and description. The twelve hour[de][re] session will attempt the active construction of a working code model (of any form) which addresses a flattening of the distinction between software and hardware, to resolve a new political reference for real core code.

**abstract code

Abstract code is software whose results can be invisible, a software implementing different layers of action at the same time. Abstract code is a connection to parallel worlds, a poetic formula dealing with outer forces. Code is art, its action is subtile, effective, magic.

procedural text

maledictions, oracles, iambi, hymn, formula,
refrains, hypnotic sentences, prayers, and other.


Piksel is supported by the Municipality of Bergen, Norsk Kulturfond, Vestnorsk
Filmfond, Hordaland Fylke, the Austrian Embassy and others.
