my own private precarity

I sit on the floor, i do not have a table. Internet comes and go, i am working on a wireless bridge.  My laptop’s monitor looks like a sandwich. I keep working, ignoring the uncomfortable situation.


La decadenza della tecnologia e’ un fatto che mi lascia sempre molto astratta.
Siedo su una scogliera verdeggiante guardando il mare.
Il silenzio allontana le nubi di paranoia.
La societa’ ci piega.
L’affitto, il lavoro, il conto in banca.
Altrimenzi ZAC, vieni bollato, marchio alieno nell’alienita’.
Diventa difficile godere e svuotare la testa, certo forse chi ha il lavoro non ha il tempo di pensare. Dunque la disponibilita’ di tempo implica P, la variabile paranoia. A fatica si riesce a liberare la mente per oziare davvero.

Reinventamos o mundo


Posso dire?


It is 01:30, here in nospace.
Well, what time is it, traveling between Sao Paulo and Porto?
Dakar is not too far, 11500 m down.
Everybody is sleeping, i would like but i cannot.
I am addicted to Cachassa, and i have got a little bottle with me. They told me i will lose it in Porto, because of security.
So i am drinking it now, getting slowly super-drunk.
I appreciate spaces in between, moments in no-time, reflections passing by.

Mi potresti ospitare?

Ecco, l’ho fatto di nuovo :!
Sto squattando la residenza artistica dell’universita’ di San Paolo. Ho trovato un amico, e si sa, chi trova un amico trovo un tesoro :)
Nos somos aqui, ognuno perso nei suoi pensieri, aggrappati a computer che non ci bastano piu’.


Sono a Bahia. Piove a dirotto. Prigioniera dell´internet point. E´mezzanotte e tra poco chiudera´, mi tocchera´ correre a perdifiato tra i vicoli, liquida liquida. Ho visto e pensato e sentito talmente tante cose, in questi giorni, che pensavo di non farcela, a scrivere. E invece eccomi qui, con l´olio di palma che mi brucia le viscere …

Light my Ball

Here we are in Brasil. The FILE festival in Sao Paolo was cool, and very popular considering there are around 700 visitors a day! I loved the show, the people, the other installations. One *ball* from ~the ball in the hole~ broke, i let you imagine kysucix and xname running around the city asking for luminescent balls in any supicious shop. Sao Paulo is the third metropoly of the world.

Back to the roots


Back to the roots.
It happened to Ubik and me to get together for a holiday in Lecce.
Lecce is a place i belong to. It is placed at the end of the railway, downsouth east, finibus terrae. One way you have the North, Italy and Europe, all the rest is sea and countryside.

Impressions from Oslo and the THK

When i was a child, every time i had to write some paper, i was starting with the following line, from left to right: ‘name’, ‘second-name’, ‘third name’, ‘surname’, ‘place’, ‘date[day:month:year]’.

Writing on the net is different, the place is not important, it is not part of the *post_description* …

The grey section of a map

I was raised here:
