If machines were the last humans

Some human behavior is unintelligent.

Terra di Mezzo

Last Sunday i was traveling between Holland and England on a beautiful boat by Steina Lines. I had a very confortable room, room 9/11, by chance. Everything was clean and i was very tired i felt like i was dreaming the huge empty port and the elegant boat full and the old people and the couples. To be sure i was awake i drunk 2 dark beers, then i slided in bed. I kept waking up very often because somehow i was afraid to oversleep the arrival in England and to remain alone in the boat, trapped in the middle of the sea, or something like that. But i had some dreams, this is one:

I was arriving in a strange small island situated in the middle of the sea, between Holland and England. I had a bike and a house, and everything was a mix of the two countries, sky, food, people, houses. My parents came to live there with me, and i was so happy i had the possibility to share some time with them. My mum was speaking english to me. I often dream to talk to her, sometimes in english.  

What does it mean to own an image?

What was formerly known as "information society" has turned
into an image economy based on the techniques of imaging information or
turning information into images. Images act as storage units for framed
portions of psychic realities that can be duplicated without
significant loss and can be distributed almost in real time.
Consequently, the image turns out as both subjected to processes of
design and as designing processes of subjectivation.

Journeys into the Bright World


Animal love, notizie dal limbo

Code Dreams

How does code dream? What are the dreams of code?

Is your code really open?

Amsterdam and me

Long live Throbbing Gristle.

Mexico City: Computer Art Conference

I was invited to partecipate to the Computer Art Conference in Mexico with ‘The Ball in the Hole‘. Since i could not go there, i proposed a remote interaction, something like a ogg/theora stream and live interview. Though in South America people like Umberto Eco, Semiotics, Orkut, Second Life…

Radio Copy Down

It is raining since 2 weeks.

Tonite i am streaming: if you are in Rome, just tune on  87.9 FM.

If you are anywhere else, get the stream from Radio Onda Rossa here, the source of my stream is here !

This is radioubique and RadioCopyDOWN

Music was not enough!