man up

There is something particularly fascinating in certain female art, something that captures imagination and touches the senses in a peculiar manner. However, whereas on the one hand the number of women in the art world (and everywhere else) seems to be increasing, on the other hand, sadly, a lack of identity is still undermining their potential from within. Overall, two main categories seem to appear at the horizon, that of women who made it in a professional – yet male dominated – environment, and are happy to show solidarity and facilitate access to other akin spirits, and those who fundamentally hate every other woman but themselves, and manipulate with arrogance their minority, using it as a definitely not inclusive privilege.

Yet why are so many women behaving as chauvinist pigs?


The seed of this plague seems to be deeply eradicated, and the time for a collective reflection becomes evermore desirable.

Woman up, competition is no fun.


Non riesco a pensare in una lingua sola. Ci provo. Mi confesso.

 Ubik is back home! 

La Signorina Bella Morte


Stanza ghiaccio riflette cristallo, luce
immobile macabra e ferma.  Se l’istante mi sfugge io torno, con valigie
su rampe di scale. Un aereo poi rotola via. 


Sii felice mai stai ben attento, a non far arrabbiare gli Dei.
Di soppiatto ti guarda la vita, carne viva ne strappa a brandelli.
Scivolando su un arcobaleno, tichetichetitichetitac… Sembra proprio
la bella Signora, che mi segue porgendomi l’ora.


Vedo un teschio e cavalli al galoppo, occhi atterra e bulbi
svuotati. Senza collare il vecchio Signore, cerco gli occhi del mio
padrone. Venerato compagno di strada, che la vita mi sbocci da dentro,
se tu non sarai mai piu’ con me.


Figlia, bambina particolare, tu cresciuta per strada nel vento.
Io comprendo cotanta paura, vuoi la fine di questa tortura.
Consanguineo con gli occhi negli occhi, occhi scuri ed occhi profondi,
miscelando la droga parliamo, e affondiamo la vita nel piatto. 


Che l’amore mi venga vicino, perche’ il sesso mi piace e mi
stufa. Guardo un corpo disteso nel buio, ma nel sonno io sono con te.


Ora inizio a gridare la mia ira, il minotauro dov’e’?

Io mi giro e lo vedo passare, e invece non c’e’.

Ora lacrime vogliono uscire, ma la vita che e’?

Prendi l’esser che tanto piu’ ho amato, colui che non ho mai salutato.

Se la morte tu senti arrivare, se lei vuole qualcosa da te…

Ora lascia, il mio cuore e’ scoppiato, solo il vuoto silente ha lasciato.


Ed eccoci tornati in Olanda, Ubik ed io. Un viaggio a fari spenti nella notte attraverso l’Europa ghiaggiata, la pioggia la neve e la mia collezione di bestemmie. Ci siamo persi in Francia, in mezzo a crepes e pezzi di stronzo. Ne siamo usciti, per arrivare a Kanne, la nostra ghiacciata nuova casa in campagna!

Da grande (faro’ il pompiere)

There has been a time I was seriously wondering "Who am I?"

Sometimes I see people at this stage, and I feel maximum -extreme- concern for them.

My mum used to be a busy lady, four children and a full time work, plus a social life. I often talked about abstract systems to her, while she was cooking. She used to wear her coat, while cooking, or that’s what I remember… She was so fast, that I am sure more than once I had to ask her to take off her hat, while cutting onions. I was very small, probably seven years old, when, one day, in front of the fire, I told her: "Mum, I think I know about my future… I will travel a lot, and write, and…"

"Oh, that’s a journalist, do you want to be a journalist?". I said: "Nooo, that’s not what I am, that’s not what I mean…". She called daddy, smoking in front of TV, in the next room. "Yes, if you travel and write, you’ll probably be a journalist". My brother came, so tall. He started to laugh at me: "Ahaha! Babele will be a journalist!". No matter what I would say to defend my profession, they could not understand. "But I will write… not only text, something else, something more…"

I could not explain. I became sad, no one understood me, I had a vision, thus I didn’t know  much about it. I felt lonely, and I refused food. As ever, I didn’t sit in front of TV, but hid beneath the table, reading a book.

Years later, I was almost eight-teen. I ask around: "Who am I?"

No one answered. I ask my teachers, always the same answer: "You can do what you want." My favourite teacher, the one I would trust, spent few words for me, while I’d run after him over the corridors, repeating: "Maestro…". "You can basically do what you want. You can be a doctor, a scientist, a criminal, a bagger, also a thief…"

Some days later, I decided. We met again, in the same corridors. I was collecting the papers to leave the school. "Have you decided what to do?"

"Yes, I will be an artist."

"Ahah! That’s difficult, that’s the most difficult decision. Good luck."


I left.

About sex and machines

Writing on a blog is a technique to anchor ourselves to something imaginary like a net page. When i feel completely lost, i try to grasp the immaterial spiting myself in the direction of the wind. What will come back to me, and whether it will, who knows.

Animal love, notizie dal limbo

Amsterdam and me

Long live Throbbing Gristle.

What’s happening now?

I am still living in Amsterdam, my house was evicted at the end of October. After two months in a great squat in the centre it happened to me to have a warm flat available. The first month was paid, the second was my first rent in two years. NO fun.

english turpiloquio

Why men are angry? Why girls are fighting? 

One of these stereotypical situations, like when a person, going out for bread or sigarettes, does not come back anymore.

turpiloquio       s.m. foul language, obscene language.